Elevating Tension Stand (2)

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Our elevating tension stands are separately floor-mounted units designed to guide and uniformly tension each slit strip while rewinding. Tension is introduced either by way of pinch roll in the case of the 295 or through a covered wiper type arrangement on the 296 style.
The 295 style offers pinch rolls that can be pressure adjusted to control tension and can be provided with a variety of coverings to configure the machine for particular product needs.
The 296 utilizes an air bladder type pressure pad to reduce the possibility of marking the material as opposed to the rigid beam manually or air cylinder actuated tension stands. The amount of air pressure required for the desired strip tension is adjusted by the operator and is determined by the cross-sectional area of the strip. Pressure is set at the beginning of each run and, if desired may be readjusted during the run.
In either case, the entire assembly is automatically raised vertically by hydraulic cylinder and sensor arm as the coil diameter increases. The sensor will maintain a fixed distance between the coil O.D. and the last separating guide discs. The geometry of the last guide roll, together with the aforementioned automatic elevating feature, produces the best side coil registration of all thin strip tension strands available.
Click one of the models below for more information.
Although Ruesch Machine Company offers several standard products, each is infinitely customizable as determined by customer need. Machine specifications are subject to change based on the individual requirements. Ruesch Machine Company provides unique, application specific, solutions.